Rcommendations | Found no anime worth watching?


Found no anime worth watching? Sweat no more! We list for you, dear Otaku, a bunch of Top Tens on any wanted genre of anime. Only for the sake of killing those bored vibes off of you!

Pokemon represents childhood for all those golden eggs around the world, and ever since Pokemon Go was released, everyone wants to go on a journey to the outside world and catch the best Pokemon out there. There are different...
The desire to become the best in Poké-world has grown stronger and stronger ever since Pokémon Go became the next best thing. Anyone who wants to become a Gym leader, though it is not explained how to obtain such...
Humans can be so twisted and dark, even if someone was an angel. They all have a switch that will alter them 360 degrees. The most psychological provocative situations, minds games, and absolute insane twists that hit every aspect...
The word strong often passes our mouths. Strength is a huge deal when it comes to humanity. We all need a little strength here and there sometimes. When it comes to “Anime Girls” we are met by a lot...