Top Anime | Found no anime worth watching? Sweat no more!

Top Anime

Found no anime worth watching? Sweat no more! We list for you, dear Otaku, a bunch of Top Tens on any wanted genre of anime. Only for the sake of killing those bored vibes off of you!

Hello and welcome, guys. It´s about time to get yourselves involved in some inspirational action. What´s better than an engaging, thrilling sports anime? It’s more than sports in anime. It´s also about friendship, struggle, growth, and achieving your dreams....
How are you feeling today? Upbeat, or perhaps a little down? Maybe you've had a long day at work, and you just want an anime to take your mind off things. Well, grab your cup of tea or coffee,...
Hello, everyone! We meet again with one of our finest lists, a new muse to obsess about, that is if you're not already. This is the place for you to tune in to your taste. Yes, I’m talking to...
Magic has always been a mysterious realm of unexplained telltales. It has more to it than flying broom sticks and incantations. All the same, it always leaves us wanting to get lost in our spiritual side, feed our fervent...